
Giving Tree 2019

On this Christmas day, we're thinking of M., 5 and R., 3 and their family. Also, the "homeless teen" and another family receiving a couple games. We hope these gifts are meaningful (i.e. thought/love behind them) and appreciated. But even more than physical gifts we hope they enjoy special times together that provide memories and shared experiences that last a lifetime. That's the best Christmas gift. Just as Jesus "dwelled among us", the most memorable and meaningful gifts are the times we have spent together. Thank you for participating with us in this giving. Giving Tree Stocking Stuffers for homeless teen Giving Tree family games One classic game and something else... Giving Tree tags for adopted family Games for the family of four Several "poop" themed games - not chosen Hot Wheels selected by these boys for the young boys Everything for the family of four including blankets, snow gear and grocery gift c...

Sailing with a Twist

Now there's a paradigm shift for a soft sail sailor! Adding twist to the point of back winding and adding to righting moment...

The Mast Walk by Alex Thomson

Boss! If I tried this on my boat, I'm sure something would break... probably me!

At the tone...

At the tone... You have found what you're looking for!

Trail Hog!

Trail Hog! I didn't expect to be held up by this behemoth jet vac truck and its chaperone. "I'm surprised you guys fit thru here." "We are too."

Single Track

Took this 'bike lane' home today. Very little traffic!

SEHS Open House

SEHS Open House. Back to school...