I love sailing. I love working with computers and developing ( CAM ) software. The intersection of these two interests is a sweet spot for me. With all the sailing blogs , regatta websites , class websites , sailing videos , virtual racing and more ... the internet is clearly the best sailing invention of all time in my book. But I'm a little late for that project . Tillerman's latest group writing project invites people to share "which sailor or sailors, living or dead, real or fictional you would like to invite to a dinner party." There are some that quickly come to mind: Hans Horrevoets , John Newton , Alex Thomson , Steve Fossett , Lia Ditton and Zac Sunderland to name a few... Coming back to the intersection of wind and bytes , I think I might put Jim Gray at the top of my dinner party list. No, not that Jim Gray . I'd invite the Jim Gray that (most recently) worked for a giant computer industry monopoly in Redmond, WA who was lost at sea in January...