Bike Commute - 13 through 15

After a flat tire on Monday, I've had several very uneventful rides… thankfully. Still no problems with the flat repair… I think it'll hold.
I've been thinking about the number of bike commuters I see regularly. Brandon frequently give a count of the bikers he sees during his ride. I might have an skewed environment (now that's an interesting description of Eugene...). I mean the number of bike commuters along my route is significantly influenced by the UofO. Therefore, I think it's appropriate to break up the count into three segments: before campus, on campus and after campus. So, this morning in the first three miles before campus I saw 15 other commuters pedaling to work (or school). Then over about a mile through and near campus, I saw 22* cyclists actually riding... If I were to count the number of bikes I see locked up to bike racks, I'd still be there counting! Finally, in the last four miles of the trip I saw 13 more commuters. I think this is fairly typical except when it's raining and it's quite lonely out there... So, the total is 50 or 51 if you count me...
*Okay, one of the 22 on campus wasn't actually riding... He was sitting. I'm kinda wondering, if he could actually stand... He probably was previously riding a bike (I saw it) but not very well. I'm guessing that's why campus security was... ah, interviewing him... and writing a little "note" for him. Also, I don't think he was a student. It's just a guess but he seemed a little out of place with his shaved head and tattoos... oh, wait... that doesn't set him apart at all (I told you it was a skewed environment)! He also looked too old to be a typical student. Ha, I guess that fits me too (except for the shaved head (give it time) and tatoos (NOT)).

DAYDateTimeDistanceCumulative DistanceSavingsTotal SavingsWeather


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