Nationals Preview: A Pone Free Zone

SantanaRama 2008: 30 Years of Tuna Sailing

A preview by Snapper via Sailing Anarchy.

The Santana 20 celebrates thirty years of class racing with the ’08 Nationals being held in Eugene Oregon starting tomorrow through Friday. At last count 37 boats were signed up with several of the perennial class heavy hitters in attendance.

Over the years many of the West Coast’s finest sailors have cut their teeth on this class. Bill Herrschaft, Tim Hogan, Bruce Golison, Harry Pattison, Tom and Jane Schock, Charlie Ogletree among others have racked up class championship wins and the class continues to be a fun competitive group and this event is a prime example of that. Eugene Yacht Club provides a great venue with on site camping, evening social activities to local Vineyards and brew pubs, and lots of family oriented things to do.

One of the nice things about the Santana 20 Class is that with a few exceptions, you don’t have to deal with the P.A.S. (Pone Ass Syndrome). As you may recall in my ’03 Melges 24 Worlds ‘Frumby’ report, and those who aren’t familiar with the Poners, they are the guys usually wearing Farr 40 or TP 52 gear making sure everyone can read the boat name in 300 pt font and talking really loudly on their cell phone to the last of the lobotomized hip toggles they refer to as their friends. The ‘pone’ is the penguin-like waddle with cell phone to ear with the signature hand raised to let everyone know how important they are. You won’t find those people At the SantanaRama as they are all on the East Coast this time of year (Espo).

Practice races were run today providing an opportunity to test new sails and speed test (or sandbag) with the competition. Racing starts tomorrow. Let the fun begin. -Snapper


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