A picture may be worth a thousand words...

After coming across this cool windsurfing picture on the horse's mouth, it became my desktop picture for a while at work. Several people commented on it and wondered... doubted even, if it was a real picture or some type of photoshopped deal. They certainly wouldn't buy that someone in this position could land such a trick and sail off for more.

Then I find this video on H2uhO. Apparently, it's from the Wave competition at this year's PWA Grand Slam at Pozo Izquierdo, Gran Canaria. Wow!

So, let's see... the video length is 6:49. That's 409 seconds at about 25 frames (or pictures) per second for a total of over 10,000 pictures. At a 1000 words each, that's over 10.2 million words... Nough said.


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